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Table 4 Coefficients of correlation values between erythrocyte anti-oxidation enzyme activities with FEV1 (% predicted) in COPD patients

From: Altered antioxidant enzyme activity with severity and comorbidities of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in South Indian population

Study parameters

Correlation coefficients (r)*

Superoxide dismutase (U/mg protein)


Catalase (U/mg protein)


Glutathione s transferase (U/mg protein)


Glutathione peroxidase (U/mg protein)


Glutathione reductase (U/mg protein)


Total antioxidant status (μM Fe2+/1)


  1. Significance of correlation between erythrocyte antioxidant enzyme activities with FEV1 (% predicted). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.001, ‘r’ denotes Pearson correlation coefficient